About Me

Hi, I’m CK Chuah. I started this website in June 2020 to document and share all the knowledge I have learned for building passive income portfolio to achieve financial freedom.

There are multiple ways for building passive income. Among them, dividend investing from stock market is my favorite. Dividend is not my only income source. I have a day job as engineer in oil and gas industry, and I am also working on other passive income sources (such as rental income and this website).  For all savings that I have made from all sources, my strategy is to invest them in stock market to build my dividend passive income portfolio. I have no doubt that the day will come when my dividend income from stock market will be sufficient to pay all my bills.

In my first blog post, I did mention what triggered me to start this website. I actually lost my job as engineer in July 2020. This was because the oil and gas industry was badly hit by COVID-19 pandemic, so almost all companies in the industry decided to downsize. During time of unemployment, my dividend income, although not sufficient to fully pay my bills, has given me a great support financially. 

Special thanks to my dad who has helped me to built stock portfolio ever since my high school time. Being a father of one kid now, I want to do the same, or even better, to my son. All “ang pau” of my son are now invested in dividend stock, and I intend to buy dividend stock to my son as his birthday present every year.

Although I graduated from engineering course, it does not stop me to learn about financial knowledge and stock market. There are couple of books that I find very useful, which are shared on this website here. I have also completed a few online courses from Coursera, including “Introduction to Finance” from University of Michigan, “An introduction to Financial Accounting” from University of Pennsylvania and “Fundamental of Personal Financial Planning” from University of California. In era now, there is really no excuse to learn anything as long as you are determined.

By sharing the knowledge I’ve learned and find actually useful on this website, I hope my website will assist and motivate readers to pursue financial freedom. We can all do it ! If you interested to join my journey, welcome to like my facebook page !

My contact

For any business opportunities on this website, welcome to get in touch at [email protected].



嗨,我是CK Chuah。我在2020年6月开始建立这个网站,目的是要记录和分享我在建立被动收入来达到财务自由途中所学到的所有知识。




虽然我是从工程系毕业,这并没有阻碍我学习财经以及股票投资的知识。当中,有几本书籍我是很推荐的,这些书籍都会在网站这里分享。另外,我也有在Coursera完成了几个网上课程,包括University of Michigan的”Introduction to Finance”,University of Pennsylvania的“An introduction to Financial Accounting”以及University of California的“Fundamental of Personal Financial Planning”。在这个时代,只要你要,真的没有什么是没有管道学习的。 



有任何商业合作的想法,欢迎联络[email protected].